Tanda Putera Movie Full Length Streaming Online
Storyline Tanda Putera
The film is about the close friendship between the second Malaysian prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak and his deputy, Tun Dr Ismail. They were secretive about their health problems as they had the task of restore the peace in their country following the events of 13 May, 1969. Tun Razak was suffering from leukemia and he had to keep it a secret from his family. They both seek the services of Dr. Macpherson. The reading room of Tun Dr Ismail became a secret clinic for their treatment.Movie details
Title : Tanda PuteraRelease : 2013-08-28
Genre : Drama, Documentary
Runtime : 115
Company :
Rating :
0 out of 10 From 0 Users
Homepage : Homepage Movie
Trailer : Video Trailer
Casts of Tanda Putera
Rusdi Ramli, Zizan Nin, Faezah Elai, Linda Hashim, Kavita Sidhu, Ida Nerina, Chelsia Ng, Sharifah Shahirah, Farhanna Qismina,Incurable Heroes
Get More About Tanda Putera
Tanda Putera (English: The Mark of a Prince) is a 2013 Malaysian history film directed by Shuhaimi Baba. The film chronicles the relationship between Tun Abdul Razak, who was the second Malaysian Prime Minister, and his then deputy Tun Dr Ismail set around the time after the 1969 racial riots.
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Tanda Putera (Inggris: The Mark of a Prince) adalah sebuah film sejarah Malaysia tahun 2013 garapan Shuhaimi Baba. Film tersebut mengisahkan hubungan antara Tun Abdul Razak, yang menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia kedua, dan wakilnya pasa masa itu Tun Dr Ismail berlatar belakang masa setelah kerusuhan ras 1969.
Directed by Shuhaimi Baba. With Rusdi Ramli, Zizan Nin, Elai Faezah, Linda Hashim. Story about Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Dr. Ismail fix the situation at Malaysia after ' The Worst Day In Malaysia ' 13 May 1969.
Fakta dan kontroversi filem Tanda Putera. Mula ditayangkan pada 29 Ogos 2012 selepas ditangguhkan sebanyak dua kali. Filem yang dibuat berdasarkan kisah benar itu, dihasilkan pada tahun 2011 dan sepatutnya ditayangkan kepada umum pada 15 November 2012.
Tanda Putera merupakan sebuah filem yang menceritakan kisah menurut pendapat pengarah Suhaimi Baba mengenai persahabatan di antara Tun Abdul Razak dan Tun Dr. Ismail sejak tercetusnya peristiwa 13 Mei. Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba juga telah bertindak sebagai penerbit, pengarah dan penulis bagi filem ini.
The heart of “Tanda Putera” is the friendship of the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein and Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, played by Rusdi Ramli and Zizan Nin respectively. The biggest travesty about Shuhaimi’s script is that it paints two of our greatest statesmen as pompous idiots who do not trust their wives.
Hari Ahad lepas (8 Sept), aku dah pergi tonton cerita Tanda Putera, cerita yang orang kata racist dan banyak kontroversi.Memang aku ada baca sikit sikit gosip dan khabar angin pasal cerita ni. Tu yang buat orang ramai tak tengok sangat cerita ni.
Synopsis. TANDA PUTERA is about the special bond of friendship between second Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak and his Deputy, Tun Dr Ismail who concealed and set aside their own health concerns to concentrate on the nation's recovery in the aftermath of the 13th May 1969 tragedy.
13 May 1969 Pengganas Komunis Mageran Darurat DEB.
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Tanda Putera (Inggris: The Mark of a Prince) adalah sebuah film sejarah Malaysia tahun 2013 garapan Shuhaimi Baba. Film tersebut mengisahkan hubungan antara Tun Abdul Razak, yang menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia kedua, dan wakilnya pasa masa itu Tun Dr Ismail berlatar belakang masa setelah kerusuhan ras 1969.
Directed by Shuhaimi Baba. With Rusdi Ramli, Zizan Nin, Elai Faezah, Linda Hashim. Story about Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Dr. Ismail fix the situation at Malaysia after ' The Worst Day In Malaysia ' 13 May 1969.
Fakta dan kontroversi filem Tanda Putera. Mula ditayangkan pada 29 Ogos 2012 selepas ditangguhkan sebanyak dua kali. Filem yang dibuat berdasarkan kisah benar itu, dihasilkan pada tahun 2011 dan sepatutnya ditayangkan kepada umum pada 15 November 2012.
Tanda Putera merupakan sebuah filem yang menceritakan kisah menurut pendapat pengarah Suhaimi Baba mengenai persahabatan di antara Tun Abdul Razak dan Tun Dr. Ismail sejak tercetusnya peristiwa 13 Mei. Datin Paduka Shuhaimi Baba juga telah bertindak sebagai penerbit, pengarah dan penulis bagi filem ini.
The heart of “Tanda Putera” is the friendship of the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein and Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, played by Rusdi Ramli and Zizan Nin respectively. The biggest travesty about Shuhaimi’s script is that it paints two of our greatest statesmen as pompous idiots who do not trust their wives.
Hari Ahad lepas (8 Sept), aku dah pergi tonton cerita Tanda Putera, cerita yang orang kata racist dan banyak kontroversi.Memang aku ada baca sikit sikit gosip dan khabar angin pasal cerita ni. Tu yang buat orang ramai tak tengok sangat cerita ni.
Synopsis. TANDA PUTERA is about the special bond of friendship between second Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak and his Deputy, Tun Dr Ismail who concealed and set aside their own health concerns to concentrate on the nation's recovery in the aftermath of the 13th May 1969 tragedy.
13 May 1969 Pengganas Komunis Mageran Darurat DEB.
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