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Free Watch Tomáš and the Falcon King (2000) Movie Full Length Stream Online

Free Watch Tomáš and the Falcon King (2000) Movies Full 1080p Stream Online

Tomáš and the Falcon King Movie Online Full Movie Stream Online

Storyline Tomáš and the Falcon King

"Thomas the Falconer" is a nice family movie about a boy (Brano Holicek), a falcon, a prince, a princess and a nasty man who gets his come-uppance. It's gloriously filmed in the mountains of Slovakia. The DVD mastering is not quite up to Hollywood standards but not too bad. There are English subtitles. The movie itself is much better than many a Hollywood production being free of tat and razzmatazz. By: nbauers http://www.imdb.com/user/ur3250336/comments

Movie details

Title : Tomáš and the Falcon King
Release : 2000-03-02
Genre : Adventure, Family
Runtime : 95
Company : BAMAC Production Company, AG Studio, Golem Film, Česká televize, Slovenská televízia, Studio Filmowe Oko, Focus Film, Jeck Film, Schwarzwald-Film
Rating :
7.5 out of 10 From 2 Users

Homepage : Homepage Movie
Trailer : Video Trailer
Casts of Tomáš and the Falcon King
Juraj Kukura, Braňo Holiček, Waldemar Kownacki, Jiří Langmajer, Klára Jandová, Jaroslav Žvásta,

Full Free Watch Tomáš and the Falcon King (2000) Movies Movie Without Downloading Streaming Online

Read More About Tomáš and the Falcon King
"Thomas the Falconer" is a nice family movie about a boy (Brano Holicek), a falcon, a prince, a princess and a nasty man who gets his come-uppance. It's gloriously filmed in the mountains of Slovakia. The DVD mastering is not quite up to Hollywood standards but not too bad. There are English subtitles. The movie itself is much better than many a Hollywood production being free of tat and ...

Tomáš and the Falcon King Trailer (2000) 02 March 2000 Adventure, Family 95 mins "Thomas the Falconer" is a nice family movie about a boy (Brano Holicek), a falcon, a prince, a princess and a nasty man who gets his come-uppance.

Tomáš and the Falcon King (2000) User Score. Overview "Thomas the Falconer" is a nice family movie about a boy (Brano Holicek), a falcon, a prince, a princess and a nasty man who gets his come-uppance. It's gloriously filmed in the mountains of Slovakia. The DVD mastering is not quite up to Hollywood standards but not too bad.

Sokoliar Tomáš (2000) is a family, fantasy movie starring Juraj Kukura and Braňo Holiček. It is directed by Václav Vorlícek. "Thomas the Falconer" is a nice family movie about a boy (Brano Holicek), a falcon, a prince, a princess and a nasty man who gets his come-uppance. It's gloriously filmed in the. Click to latest reviews, trailer.

Sokoliar Tomáš (angl. Tomas and the Falcon King ) je koprodukčný (česko-slovensko-poľsko-maďarsko-nemecko-francúzsky) film natočený podľa rovnomennej novely Jozefa Cígera Hronského . Architekt: Viliam Gruska

Thomas and the Falcon King. Žánr Dobrodružný, ... V lesích pod hradem mocného pána Baladora žije čtrnáctiletý Tomáš se svým otcem klidně až do chvíle, kdy otec tragicky zemře. Teď musí odejít na hrad prosit o práci. Nechtěně se zaplete do intriky, kterou připravil zlý Iver svému odvěkému rivalovi, sokolníkovi Vaganovi.

Král sokolů Sokoliar Tomáš Thomas and the Falcon King Thomas and the Falcon King

The main hero of this Middle Age tale is 14 year old Thomas who has the gift of understanding animal speech. Thomas's ability to communicate with the animals helps him gain the legendary royal falcon. And so, with the falcon's help, he fights for justice and his own freedom.

If you like "Tomas and the Falcon King" you are looking for fairy tale movies about / with dog, village, teenage girl, animal human communication, boy, nobleman and supernatural power themes of Family and Fantasy genre shot in Czech Republic or Slovakia.

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