The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice Movies uTorrent Blu-ray Stream Online
Storyline The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice
Who left a dead body on a farm of truck driver's of which the best quality milk is made? Who smuggles illegal Betangin tablets? Who set on fire policemen's hands? Why does the ominous rabbit shows up? Two brave but incompetent police inspectors are trying to find out all of this.Movie details
Title : The Books of Knjige: Cases of JusticeRelease : 2017-08-05
Genre : Comedy, Drama
Runtime : 87
Company : TBOK Production
Rating :
7 out of 10 From 2 Users
Homepage : Homepage Movie
Trailer : Video Trailer
Casts of The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice
Veselin Gajović, Goran Vujović, Aleksandar Radunović-Popaj, Sejdo Alijaj, Zoran Marković Zonjo, Ljubo Kaličanin, Nikola Pejaković, Tihana Ćulafić, Mladen Stojanović, Izudin Bajrović, Zoran Maksimović, Zenit Đozić, Nebojša Glogovac, Zoran Kesić, Stefan Bundalo, Nenad Petranović Badanj, Momo Pićurić, Omar Bajramspahić, Pavle Popović, Dejan Dedović, Maja Stojanović, Ognjen Damjanović, Branka Stanić,Learn More About The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice
Directed by Zoran Markovic. With Veselin Gajovic, Goran Vujovic, Aleksandar Radunovic-Popaj, Sejdo Alijaj. Who left a dead body on a truck driver milk farm? Who smuggles illegal Betangin tablets? Who sets on fire policemen hands? Why does the ominous rabbit show up? Two brave but incompetent police inspectors are on the case.
In 2016, The Books of Knjige recorded their first feature parody mystery film titled "Cases of Justice" (Slučajevi pravde), which is to be aired in October 2017. The project was initially conceived as a TV series, but the change of plans took place after Prva TV withdrew the funding after the pilot episode aired in 2012. Music
The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice on Find trailers, reviews, and all info for The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice by Zoran Markovic.
A to je šteta, posebno kada je o The Books of Knjige reč jer se tu radi o vrlo neobičnom apsurdističkom humoru koji je univerzalno razumljiv, odnosno nerazumljiv, zapakiranom u kratke, ali potentne skečeve. Da ne kvarim užitak, potražite ih na internetu, dostupni su besplatno.
50+ videos Play all Mix - The Books Of Knjige - Slucajevi pravde PILOT kompletan YouTube; The Books of Knjige: ... The Books of Knjige - Aleksandar Radunović Popaj i Goran Vujović ...
Recommendations. We don't have enough data to suggest any movies based on The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice. You can help by rating movies you've seen.
Dva hrabra policijska inspektora rade na slučaju dvostrukog ubistva. Iako će zločincima pokušati zadati smrtonosni udarac, njihova nesposobnost ih vodi u
The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice (2017) directed by Zoran Markovic. Movie information, genre, rating, running time, photos, trailer, synopsis and user reviews.
You are watching the movie The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice on 123Movies. Who left a dead body on a farm of truck driver's of which the best quality milk is made? Who smuggles illegal Betangin tablets? Who set on fire policemen's
vaša korpa. nastavi kupovati. zavrŠi kupovinu
In 2016, The Books of Knjige recorded their first feature parody mystery film titled "Cases of Justice" (Slučajevi pravde), which is to be aired in October 2017. The project was initially conceived as a TV series, but the change of plans took place after Prva TV withdrew the funding after the pilot episode aired in 2012. Music
The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice on Find trailers, reviews, and all info for The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice by Zoran Markovic.
A to je šteta, posebno kada je o The Books of Knjige reč jer se tu radi o vrlo neobičnom apsurdističkom humoru koji je univerzalno razumljiv, odnosno nerazumljiv, zapakiranom u kratke, ali potentne skečeve. Da ne kvarim užitak, potražite ih na internetu, dostupni su besplatno.
50+ videos Play all Mix - The Books Of Knjige - Slucajevi pravde PILOT kompletan YouTube; The Books of Knjige: ... The Books of Knjige - Aleksandar Radunović Popaj i Goran Vujović ...
Recommendations. We don't have enough data to suggest any movies based on The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice. You can help by rating movies you've seen.
Dva hrabra policijska inspektora rade na slučaju dvostrukog ubistva. Iako će zločincima pokušati zadati smrtonosni udarac, njihova nesposobnost ih vodi u
The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice (2017) directed by Zoran Markovic. Movie information, genre, rating, running time, photos, trailer, synopsis and user reviews.
You are watching the movie The Books of Knjige: Cases of Justice on 123Movies. Who left a dead body on a farm of truck driver's of which the best quality milk is made? Who smuggles illegal Betangin tablets? Who set on fire policemen's
vaša korpa. nastavi kupovati. zavrŠi kupovinu
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